There are new rules in place regarding patronship stabling procedures and transferring patronships. Please read and familiarize yourself with the new rules. For further questions, please email
New Rules:
Patron Stabling Procedures/ Transferring Patronships
1. Patron stalling is assigned prior to any non-Patrons.
a. Every effort will be made to stable non-patron groups together that have accurately filled out their stabling request form.
b. Priority for Patron stalling assignments will be based on the number of continuous years as a. Patron, the prior year’s stalling location, and number of stalls needed.
c. If a Patron wishes to move to another Patron barn, they will be placed on a waiting list for that. barn.
2. The entry form (or electronic entry) must be signed by the trainer listed on the Patronship in order for the exhibitor to be stabled with said Patron. A stabling form for each National Show will be used that lists horse, owner and trainer. The form should include a statement to refer to Patron stabling rules for priority stabling procedures in the omnibus.
3. The transferring of a Patronship to a non-immediate family member will not be allowed.
a. A Patron who has maintained a Patronship seniority that is retiring may elect to pass their Patronship on to an immediate family member.
b. The family member receiving the seniority will be required to maintain the Patronship payments annually. Additionally, in order to keep the original stabling area, the family member may not exceed the number of stalls required by the original Patron.
c. To confirm the transfer of a Patronship, an email to the barn manager will be required.
d. If a farm associated with a Patronship is being retired, the trainer has the right to continue the. Patronship and maintain the seniority.
4. Patronships are considered as one (1) Farm or one (1) Person.
a. An additional Patronship may be held by an individual within a Patron’s Barn, but those additional Patronships have no effect on the “primary” Patron’s Barn priority.
b. That other individuals’ Patronship likewise does not affect another Patron’s Barn they may move to; their Patron priority is with themselves.
c. Only the named Farm/Person on the Patronship is allowed to hang drapes or signage that identify only that Patron name.
5. 80% of the stalls must be in the Patron Trainer’s/Farm’s barn (for 49 stalls and under). For those with 50 Stalls or over, 90% of the stalls must be in the Patron Trainer’s/Farm’s barn, for example, if the Patron on record has 30 stalls on their stabling report 24 of those stalls must be in the Patron Trainer’s/Farm’s barn and only 6 stalls may be in another Trainer’s/Farm’s Barn.
6. If that 80%/90% is violated, for example, if the Patron on record has 30 stalls on their stabling report and only 20 of those stalls are in the Patron Trainer’s/Farm’s barn and the other 10 are in another Trainer’s/Farms barn then only 4 of those stalls will be allowed to be stabled with the Patron on record. The other 6 stalls will be stalled wherever the Barn Manager can fit them.
7. Barns with over 100 stalls may not be stalled together. Every attempt will be made to keep stalls as close in proximity as feasibly possible.
8. For Patrons that exceed their average number of stalls (over the last three years), the overflow may be in another location.
9. If necessary, a Show Commission and/or a Barn Manager can limit the number of tack stalls
-- via AHA